Archive for the ‘new friend’ Tag

My new friend

You guys all know what a softy I am at heart.  I’m all big and tough on the outside, sure, and you know you’re going to get a Max-whack if you deserve one, but heck.  I’m just a big ball of purrr when it comes right down to it.  

A big ball of WHAT, did you say?  Say it again so I can hear it.  Go on.  I dare you.  I thought so.

Jeez-um.  As I was SAYing, I’m full of love.  I’ve got love oozing out the tips of my fur hairs.  I’ve got love coming out of my purr.  I’ve got it everywhere!  I’ve even got a little love for my new friend.  

Oh no, don’t say that.  No, he’s cool.  It’s cool.  I’m telling ya, we talked last night— nearly came to blows!  You know how guys do.  So turns out my guy’s had kind of a rough life, and he’s ready for some fun.  He likes the looks of my pad and especially of my Girlz but he best stay away from my sista and my Sugar Dharms.  Snuff’s all his cuz I can’t really lay claim to her.  

Yes, thanks, I know.  Oh, you haven’t heard?  You’re so behind.  What am I going to do with you?  I only had about a zillion calls and emails today after everyone read last night’s post!  And you don’t know yet?  Woah.  Ok, I’ll tell you.  That self portrait was staged because in normal pics you can actually see my back feet when I sit down.  I purposefully stuck my gut out so that I’d look like the statue even more.  No no no, it’s true.  You CAN usually see my feet.  Yeah.  Yeah-HUH!  YES YOU CAN SO OMG!

So everyone but that jerkified Meanie McMeanieson is allowed to look at my new friend and me having a sunny nap together this morning.  I love naps!


Naps with friends are the best.

Naps with friends are the best.